Saturday, September 30, 2017

No peace for unbelievers

No peace for unbelievers

Isaiah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

Do you know who the wicked are? They are not those that do wicked things like sin. The wicked are those that have not trusted Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. They still live in their own strength. They feel like they can get it done. They do not need God, they think! They live by their own means.

The problem is that all of sinned. All have fallen short of what is needed to be a complete, full, satisfied, content human. You were meant to walk with God. You were meant to know Him. You were meant to live in faith.

When you decide to live your own life, your own way then you are left to your own means. That means that you will not have real peace. The best you will have is a simulated peace. You will pretend. You will tell people you have peace but in your innermost being you know that things aren’t quite right.

You will deny that truth. You will say that everything is good but one day, when you are hurting you will have to admit your need. Know this, that you will be able to then know that He loves you. If you will simply quit trusting you and start trusting Him you will have that peace.

Believe that God loves you, that Jesus died for you and your sins, that you can have eternal life and peace right now and He will do all that for you!

Rev AG

A promise for you

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom. 10:13

One of the most important promises God has made to us is His promise regarding salvation.  In scripture, salvation refers to our deliverance from the penalty and power of sin - to be saved from eternal death in Hell and given eternal life in Heaven.  Jesus paid the penalty for our sin on the cross and broke the power of sin over us by His resurrection.

The Bible tells us we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus.  Salvation is a gift of God.  If we confess with our mouth and believe with our heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead we shall be saved.  Jesus said, “Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 

This promise is for you.  Call upon the name of the Lord in faith and you shall be saved.
Rev DB

Bringing Others to Jesus

Bringing Others to Jesus
Andrew is the disciple known for bringing people to Jesus. Immediately after meeting the Lord, he introduced his brother Simon to the Messiah. Another time, when a great multitude was hungry, he found a boy with five loaves and two fishes and brought him to Jesus (John 6:8-9). When some Greeks wanted to meet Christ, Andrew and Philip made the introductions (12:20-22). This disciple never lost his enthusiasm for the Savior.
Andrew's own conversion experience motivated him to let others know about the One who'd changed his life (1:36-37). How about you--have you lost the joy of your salvation? If your Christian life has become stale and musty, it's time to remember what Christ has done for you and to ask that He restore your excitement.
In addition, Andrew longed to know the Savior and spend time with Him (vv. 38-39). The disciple's example is a good reminder that sweet fellowship with the Lord isn't supposed to end with devotional times. It should also stimulate a desire to share with others the joy we find in our relationship with Christ.
Finally, Andrew was motivated by his conviction that Jesus was the Messiah (v. 41). He'd found the answer for a lost and hurting world and wanted others to know.
When Andrew answered the call to discipleship, Jesus told him he'd be "catching men" instead of fish (Luke 5:10). Since we, too, are followers of Christ, we have this same assignment. Our styles and opportunities vary, but we're each responsible to develop a lifelong habit of bringing others to Jesus.
Rev CS

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Our Hope

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  1 Peter 1:3

To be without hope may be the worst condition a person can have.  No doubt, there are many people today who are facing very difficult circumstances without any hope for the future.  A Christian is never without hope no matter what he or she may face.  Peter calls it a “lively hope.”  A hope that even death cannot destroy.

No wonder Peter praises God for what He has done for us.  By His abundant mercy we are born again unto eternal life.  We have the hope of the resurrection because Jesus rose and conquered death.  We have a living hope that sustains us in life and in death.  

A hope that allows us to look beyond what we see to what we know awaits us when we rest in His presence.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

No pain, no gain

A brief thought today,
In the athletic realm, a popular statement believed by the fittest is;
"No pain no gain".
When reading the Scriptures, I am finding this to be a principle of the Christian's life and walk with Christ.
The Lord said, if you are to follow me, there is a self to deny and a cross to bear.
Paul said, if you will know him (CHRIST) the power of his resurrection, there is a fellowship of his sufferings.
J. R. Miller said, There are many blessings we will never receive until we are ready to pay the price of pain, for the path of suffering is the only way to reach them.

I walked a mile with Pleasure,
      She chattered all the way;
But left me none the wiser
      For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
      And ne'er a word said she;
But oh, the things I learned from her
      When Sorrow walked with me.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

David was

David Was a man that was
1) Saved
2) Surrendered
3) Sanctified
4) Serving
5) Shouting
6) Standing
I Samuel 16-17


What the Word does

What the Word does

Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; And reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

The Word of God casts light on all that you are doing or thinking. The Word of God is light. God’s Word often scolds us or reproves us by its teachings. These reproofs are for our own good and so that we can live without being hurt.

Solomon was telling his son this so that he could see how truth would keep him from sexual sin. We live in a world where sexual sin is destroying us. Pornography is on the rise. People are getting addicted. The reason porn has the power it does is because we do not have enough light from the Word of God to see it for what it is.

The Bible tells us all we need to know. There is plenty of light but we are so foolish that we do not dig into the Bible to see what God says.

Get into the Word of God. Let God give you the light you need to live and not be hurt. He cares enough about you to give you truth so that you will not be hurt.

Do not choose darkness when you have the light right there beside you!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

God’s Word gives freedom

God’s Word gives freedom

Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty: For I seek thy precepts.

Most people want to think that the Bible, God, God’s Word limit real living. They want to think of the Bible as restricting, as taking away freedom but that is not the lesson the Bible teaches about itself. God’s Word gives freedom. When I want to please God, do things the way He wants me to then I walk at liberty. Real life is found in Christ. Read freedom is found in knowing God and His Word.

Do not let Satan or anyone else make you think less of God or His Word. Do not let them think of God taking away but rather know that He adds to life.


How did Noah exercise his faith in God?

 Hebrews 11:7 How did Noah exercise his faith in God?
“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”
Noah’s example of Faith has very distinct and easily identifiable markers.  The first marker was that he believed God’s Word when all the world around him believed the opposite.  Everyone in Noah’s world had the Word of God from Adam and Seth up to the times of Noah, but they rejected God’s Word and lived a lifestyle that was opposed to God.  Second, Noah preached righteousness for an entire centennial.   That Preaching was not just on Saturday, but everyday. He preached a message that was directly and contradictory to the lifestyles of those he was preaching to.  Thirdly, Noah lived a Godly life and his family did the same.  He had a Biblical family which was in the face of all those around him.  He did not just live somewhat differently from his neighbors and town; he lived Biblically.  Fourthly, Noah exercised his faith by building the Ark.  If you have the chance to visit the Ark Encounter in Kentucky,  you will see the Biblical proportions of the Ark.  But imagine that being on the landscape outside the city.  Noah begins his 100 year series of messages on the coming Judgment of God.  I just imagine he walked the streets clothed in different style dress from the people around him and preached “Repent for the Judgment of God is at hand.”  God is merciful and will forgive your sins and heal our land”. Can you hear the jeers and mockery that must have been hurled toward the man of God.  “Ha, Ha, Ha, Look at how he is dressed, he is a real drag, listen to his hate speech, he just hates us and wants to control our lives….”  And on and on it goes.  But Noah’s Faith was greater.  To his credit, he won 7 souls.  His wife, His sons, and three girls who became the son’s wives.  Seven began to call upon the name of the Lord like Noah.  The greatest exercise of Noah’s faith was not the building of the ark, nor the naming the animals or preparing the resources for their voyage.  It was when he gathered his family and said, it is time to go into the ark.

That one act saved their lives and fulfilled God’s eternal plan of salvation for all the people that would be born so that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!”

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Idol worshippers

Idol worshippers

Psalm 97:7 Confounded be all they that serve graven images, That boast themselves of idols: Worship him, all ye gods.

As I read this verse I am thinking about all I saw in Nepal. Idols on every corner, scary idols. People turning prayer wheels and lighting incense. People putting red ashes on their forehead as a sign of their devotion.

It was so obvious that the gods they serves were but images made with men’s hands. They were very proud of their images. They are proud of their worship of their images. They ring bells and find other ways to try to call their gods.

The truth is that there is only one God and He made you not the other way around. It is time for you to worship God, the creator.

It is time to know you need the God who made you, turn to Him today.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Finish the work

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.  John 17:4

On the night of his arrest, Jesus lifted his eyes toward heaven and prayed.  In His prayer, He was able to say that He had glorified His Heavenly Father on earth and finished the work given Him to do.  It should be our desire to leave behind a testimony of our faithfulness to God.

When Jesus died on the cross, one of His last statements was: “It is finished.”  The work of salvation was complete.  Only Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, could pay the penalty for our sins.  But God has a work for each of us to do.

Let us continue our work for the Lord until our task is finished and He calls us home.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Our Hope in Christ

Hebrews 6 Why is our hope in Christ better?

Verse one of this chapter speaks volumes about our hope in Christ.  Hope in the Old Testament Law and Prophets only pointed toward the coming Christ.  Live live in the times when “a greater than Solomon is here!”  We not only have salvation in Christ that is eternally secure, but we also have the work of the Holy Spirit in us perfecting the saints according to the will of God!  In our Better Christ and His marvelous salvation, we are getting better day by day as we allow the Spirit to change us to be like Him.  Verse 9 reveals that there are even better things that accompany salvation. There are many things that the gift of salvation brings with it. You can no doubt name many without much deliberation.  Verse 10 reveals that not only are we given better things in salvation, but we have a  better ministry for the Lord on this earth.

The Old Testament Saints served God by Faith and passed on to us a goodly heritage. Christ did many things while He walked in the flesh on this earth.  But Jesus told His disciples that they would do greater things.  That is because we have a Better Hope, and by the power of the resurrection of Christ from the dead, we have a lively hope in Christ.  Verse 19 tops them all when we see hope in Christ is the anchor of the soul.  This hope never changes and is paramount to all other hope in this world.  This hope is anchored within the veil.  The Holiest Place in the temple was the Holy of Holies. Our Savior anchored our souls though His salvation in the Holy of Holies in Heaven.  Safe and secure is that hope of our soul forever.

Our Hope in Christ is better and the longer we live, the better it becomes!

God doesn’t hold back the good

Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Can you believe this verse. God is our sun, our life giver. He is our shield or protector. He gives us grace meaning that He loves us when we do not deserve it. He gives us glory. He is good to us.

The sweetest part of this verse seems to be that He will just give us any and everything as we are His. He will not withhold good things from us. We think He is holding out but to think that is to believe a lie of the devil.

Here you see what God, Himself, said about His character and how He treats us.


Send Them Away

Musing Through Matthew- Send Them Away

In the midst of all our hopeless situations may they find us at Jesus feet.

Monday, September 4, 2017



Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits, Even the God of our salvation. Selah.

I love that word, daily. He is the God of our salvation but He didn’t just save us and leave us. He didn’t just meet our needs one time. He meets our needs daily. He does more than just meet our needs. He loads us down. He pours it out on us. He pours out benefits.

He carries us through life. He sustains our life. He is our life. He is involved in our lives on a daily basis. No wonder we love and praise Him.

He is so good we can’t imagine anything else but that.


Labor Day

Let him that stole steal no more; but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.  Eph. 4:28

Thank God for His grace!  The thief can find forgiveness.  He can also find new purpose and meaning for life.  As a forgiven child of God, I am to leave my sins behind and become a productive member of society.  One of the ways we do that is by finding meaningful work to provide for ourselves and those in need.

Today is Labor Day.  An official Labor Day website describes the holiday as “a yearly national tribute to the contribution workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.”

Thank God for His grace and the health and strength to work that we can give back for all He has given to us.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

God hears and meets needs

Psalm 57:2 I will cry unto God most high; Unto God that performeth all things for me.

We serve a God that you can cry out to in your time of need. He is a God that works in your life. He will do for you what you need done. He is the great, almighty God. He is not a god you made with your hands but the God of all creation.

What is so beautiful in this verse is that He is the One holding you together. He is the One answering your prayer. He is the One meeting your needs.

He is a personal God doing things for me. He is God that I can cry out to in prayer and expect Him to meet my need. Who has a God like the God of Heaven.


Our Work

The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much. Ec. 5:12

There is something good about doing an honest day’s work.  It brings a sense of accomplishment and adds meaning and purpose to our life.  This is especially true if we enjoy our work.  When they ask the Amish farmer if he didn’t get tired of working so hard, he replied, “It’s not really work if you enjoy what you do.”

Work is not a punishment from God.  Even in the garden before sin, man was giving the task of taking care of God’s creation.  If you are able to get up this morning and go to work, you are a blessed individual.

Work hard and enjoy it.  Then go home to your family and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Christian Vocation

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Ro. 12:11

Did you know that every Christian is in full time Christian service?  I am not just a Christian on Sunday when I attend Church, but I am a Christian every moment of every day.  Being a Christian is not something I do, it is who I am in Christ.  I may be a good Christian or a bad one, but I am always a Christian.

Whatever vocation a Christian may be in, it is a Christian vocation.  We are to approach our work with zeal as being in service to the Lord.  The world does not see us at church, but at work, on the ball field and in our everyday lives.

The question is not “Do they see a Christian?” but rather, “Do they see a good one?”