Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Paul's desire

Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. Rom. 10:1

It is was the desires of Paul’s heart that made him a great evangelist.  He knew what it was to be outside Christ.  To be dependent on one’s own righteousness rather than the righteousness of Christ.  To be a slave to the law rather than a son of grace.  He remembered who he had been and who many of his kindred still were.  His desire was for them to be saved
It is the desire of our heart that will make us effective witnesses for Christ.  We know what it is to be lost.  To live under the condemnation of the law rather than being set free by grace.  To be called to repentance and to respond in faith.  We remember the joy of coming to Christ and know there are many who are still lost.

It should be our desire for them to be saved.
Rev DB

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