Tuesday, August 11, 2020


ATTENTION PARENTS - Look up this article on Fox News -

“A Philadelphia public school teacher worries about ‘conservative’

parents listing in on virtual classes”-

He calls them “helicopter parents”-

I'm glad  mine ‘hovered’ over me.

PART 2 - This teacher said that when they are engaged

“In the messy work of destabilizing a kids racism  or homophobia

or transphobia” - an administration to brainwashing kids.

Christian Education has NEVER SOUNED BETTER

PART 3 - And people wonder why Christian parents have

sacrificed-scraped, worked multiple jobs, spent 1000s

of dollars to give their children a Christian Education

PART  4 - This is unfair to ALL The Godly, Loving, Caring,

Christians that teach in the system. (Many of our church

members are public school teachers) They have a light

to shine and a testimony to give. Lets pray for God

To use them mightily.

Rev JA

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