Friday, May 15, 2020

three keys in Christian service - DN

O give thanks unto the Lord;call upon his name:make know his deeds among the people. Psalms 105:1
Sometimes the greatest advice and instruction will be from the smallest sources or sermons.
Shouldn't we all learn from this.
Being in evangelism for all those years, I had to endure some of those sermons where the preacher missed several good opportunities to end.

Here David addresses three key components in our Christian service.
1) We are to be a Praising People:
I often say to my people shame on us, if we need to think long for something to praise and be thankful for.
2) We are to be a Praying People:
Matt 6:6 When ye pray enter thy closet ....
Luke 18:1 .... Men aught to always pray and faint not.
3) We are to be a Prophesying People:
Dr Sightler stated many years ago, prophesying has a twofold meaning.
1. Foretelling
2. Telling Forth
Just as we should have no problem praising him and thanking him for what he has done, we should have no problem telling forth what God hath done.

Someone one just might be waiting to here what God has done for you lately.
Rev DN

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