Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Come and see - DB

And Nathaniel said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Phillip saith unto him, Come and see. John 1:46
The first thing Phillip did after he met Jesus, was to find his friend Nathaniel and invite him to meet Jesus of Nazareth. Phillip’s response was less than enthusiastic: ”Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
Phillip did not argue with his friend, but he also did not give up. He encouraged his friend to come and meet Jesus for himself. Like Phillip, we may not have all the answers, but we can encourage others to come and see for themselves.

Rev DB

A Lesson from Abraham DN

In my devotion this morning, although My mind is a tad slow ( well it's more than just a tad ) I was needing the Lord to speak to me, and He did. I thought it might be a blessing to someone else. 
It's Been said,
No desire will ever be placed in you by the Holy Spirit unless He intends to fulfill it. So let your faith rise up and soar away to claim all the land you can discover. 
S. A. Keen
Genesis 13:14-15 And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:
15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.
1) Abraham's Challenge: 14a (after Lot had left )
Life has it challenges, does it not?
Some of the greatest will be with one's family.
Lot, Abrahams nephew, had made Abrahams journey challenging. 
In fact, instead of getting on with his journey, Abraham was constantly having to deal with Lot. 
Rescuing him from the kings of of Sodom to Dealing with the strive between his herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen.
The lesson here for us, Accepting God's will and promises for us has its challenges. Those things that we deal with, that have nothing to do with the will of God in which we are pursuing.
2) Abraham's Command: ( lift up now ... )
All that you see ...north south east west
If you can see it it's yours, even if you can't see it , it's yours...not just yours, but your seed forever .
Lift up, don't be afraid to look!
It can be fearful, when you look up and see where God wants to take you, yea! at what God wants to give you. 
Do not let the uncertainty or the distance between you and God's promises hinder you. 
Jesus told Martha, did I not say unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God.
3) Abrahams Certainty: God said, I will give it! 
My the surety found in those words. Has God moved you toward some task. Some event demanding faith and leaning on his strong arm?
If he has, just step forward and lean on his unfailing promises. 
God who can not lie, will bring it to past!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

relationship with the Lord -KK

In his book, The Fullness of Christ, author D. Stuart Briscoe tells of his attendance at a symphony where Tchaikovsky’s “Pathetique” was performed. Initially, Stuart was less than excited about being at the performance. But something happened throughout the evening. The soar of the music, the rhythm of the instruments, the applause of the crowd began to affect his mindset.
At the end of the symphony he found his head, heart, and hands engaged in the event. “The difference in attitude and reaction,” said Stuart, “came about when the music ceased to be all around me, and managed to get right into me.” 
For Stuart, there was an invasion. He not only heard the symphony, he felt it as well. The external force became an internal reality.
The same can be said of the indwelling Christ. When our relationship with the Lord is reduced to external happenings (church attendance, good works, religious obligations), we may become just as bored as Stuart at a Tchaikovsky’s recital. But I submit, that Christ, like soaring music, has invaded our souls. He has taken up residence in our hearts. When this is understood, better yet, when this is experienced, we will find ourselves raptured in delight, caught up in divine bliss. Christ is not just something that happens around us, He is Someone Who abides within us.
Rev. KK

Place of Truth

Place of truth
I Timothy 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Paul writes Timothy to tell him how to act among the congregation. Timothy, you need to know that the church is the house of God. It is God’s people come together to learn. It is the place that shares the truth. It is the pillar and ground of the truth.
The church is the pillar of the truth. The word is used figuratively. It gives the idea of supporting, sustaining, upholding the truth. The ground speaks of the church providing a firm base for the truth.
That means Timothy better learn the truth. He better learn how to teach the truth. He better teach the truth correctly. We have an essential job to do. We need to realize the supreme importance of the church. It is the place where you can come and learn the truth. You can learn what the Word of God says. It is the very Word of God. It is the truth.
What is your attitude toward the Bible? How much time do you spend poring over its contents seeking the truth? Now let’s learn it and teach it.
Rev AG

Read the Book - AG

Read the Book

I Timothy 4:13 Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
Paul writes Timothy and tells him to put effort and attendance into the reading of God’s Word. God’s people need to know what God has to say. They need to hear divine authority speak. Many would not have had their copy of the Word of God due to the cost and size of scrolls.
When they got to church, they could have the Bible read to them. They could hear what God has to say. Remember that in another place Paul said: “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!” It is the Word.
We all now have copies of the Bible. They are everywhere. You can have them on your phone, your computer, any electronic device, plus the leather bound paper cover. You can read, You should read. You should give attention to reading.
One of the reasons I like to read the Scriptures at our church is to have you hear them. I fear too many people have grown lazy in their reading. One of the reasons that we preach the Bible verse by verse is so that you can hear all it says. It will build your faith.
So he was to give attention to reading. Then he was to exhort, motivate, challenge God’s people to do what the Scriptures say. Then he was to show them the teachings of the Scriptures, doctrine.
Let’s get into the Bible. Let’s learn all we can.
Rev AG

Be careful - AG

Be careful
I Timothy 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.
Paul writes Timothy and tells him that he better be cautious. He has to watch out because Satan will attack him. He must be cautious in his spiritual life. He must be careful not to fall into any of the traps Satan will be setting for him. Sexual, financial, prideful traps are laid for all buts especially men of God. Be careful.
He needed to be careful about the doctrine he had been taught. He needed to stay in right doctrine. He needed not to be carried about by every wind of doctrine. Popular doctrinal fads come and go. Get in the Bible. Read the Bible more than you read any books. Read the Book and examine books. Don’t read books about the Book.
Remember that commentaries are just a man’s comments about the Bible. All men have an agenda. If he is Lutheran, then look for a Lutheran tilt. None of us are as fair as we claim to be in approaching the Scripture. Do not be led astray. Sometimes the person with fewer books and more time in the Book will have a better doctrine.
If you read long enough and deep enough in one area you will accept that area. You can become a vegetarian or a flat earther, a person that still believes the earth is flat. You can become a member of whatever you study long enough and deep enough.
So get into the Bible.
Rev AG

What God Says He will DO - DN

What God Says He will DO
1 Ch 17:23 Therefore now, LORD, let the thing that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house be established for ever, and do as thou hast said.
The Promises of God are not to be treated as a bag of lucky charms. 
I've discovered a person can make Gods Word say what they want it to say, to fit whatever situation they may be in. 
I've done it a time or two, in fact more times than I want to admit.
The Promises of God are built upon four pillars.
1) His Holiness: nothing he does, is at the expense of his Holiness
2) His Justice
The first two are His justice and holiness, which will never allow Him to deceive us. 
3) His Grace 
This pillar will not allow Him to Forget
4) His Truth
This pillar will no not allow him to change.
What God does is never at the expense of these pillars of truth. Every promise of Scripture is a letter from God, which we may plead before Him with this reasonable request: 
Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope" (Ps 119:49).
1) Must be a Conscienceness of God's Promises:
How will a person know and claim these promises, without an awareness of His promises. Show me someone with a closed Bible and I'll show you someone that will never know what God says and can do.
2) Must be a Cause for His Promises:
It may be a crisis, a burden, a need.
Where there's a need there's a promise.
3) Must be a Claiming of God's Promises:
A cashing in of a check, if you please.
A being fully persuaded, The Bible said in relation to Abraham, that being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to performed.
4) Must be a Collecting of His Promises:
I've had people make me a promise, and once I've done what I was told to do, I discovered it wasn't quiet like they said it would be. I was unable to collect. 
Never, ever was it this way with God..What he has said, he will and has always done.
Rev DN

watch their minds - DN

1 Peter 4:12
One of my favorite passages of Scripture in which God has spoke volumes to my heart is this one here in 1 Peter 4:12.
I Peter 4:12
Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, but rejoice ..his glory is revealed, ye shall be glad with exceeding joy..
It has been said, The breath of the Holy Spirit into His new creation never makes a heart hard and insensitive, but affectionate, tender, and true. 
For the Lords capacity for sympathy is greater still than that realm of suffering. 
Think it not:
The mind can rack havoc when it comes 
To Serving
To Sacrificing - giving until you give
Yet more so when it comes -
To Suffering
Peter here is admonishing these weary, suffering believers to watch their minds.
Think it not! 
Trials are God's way of
1. Preparing us:
What school did David attend that equipped him for the ministry he had upon the harp and song; a ministry of comfort and hope?
It was trials and persecution!
Trials that attacked and opposed the hope and faith he had in God.
Trials that moved him to call out to the God of Heaven, knowing that God hears his cries!
Trials that brought an answer which ignited the songs he penned!
Have you ever thought for every sorrow was a song?
One has said, If Gods desire is to enlarge your capacity for spiritual understanding do not be afraid of the greater realm of suffering that awaits you.
2. Participating with us: (fellowshipping )
Participate - One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; an affiliate or an associate.
Simeon is such an illustration of this. 
As he was compelled to bear the cross that day, you did not see one without the other!
While going through things and expressing these things to the Lord, (as if he didn't know )I've had the Lord speak to my heart these words, I know how you feel... suffering is a fellowship with others and HIM.
3. Protecting us:
The children of Israel were led a longer way through the wilderness, because of the dangers that lurked.
What seemingly was a curse and misfortune actually was a blessing from God. Years ago a golden friend said to me when I was stating to him what I was going through. He said Brother David, the Lord is making something better out of you. 
Rejoice suffering one, it will soon past.
Rev DN


Remember and pass on - DB

We ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Heb. 2:1
It is good for us to remember what Christ has done for us. Our salvation is a great salvation. It came at a great price when Jesus traded the glory of heaven for the shame of the cross.
It is our responsibility to pass along to others what Jesus means to us. Our children and grandchildren need to know the things which we have heard and seen.

Rev DB

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Pathway to peace - JA

Had a great time preaching this morning from Phil 4:7
- The Pathway To Peace.
- The Person..
- The Prize..
- The Principals..
- The Pathway...
It's Not In Money but The Master, It's Not in Sin but The Savioir , It's Not Just for Life..but for All Eternity .🙋🏼‍♂️

Rev JA

Friday, March 8, 2019

Hiding out in the lies - AG

Hiding out in the lies
Isaiah 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, And with hell are we at agreement; When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: For we have made lies our refuge, And under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
God’s people utterly refused to believe the Bible, the Word of God. They chose lies instead. They chose what they knew wasn’t right and began to fortify themselves there. They comforted themselves by constantly denying reality. They denied reality so long that the lie became perceived and accepted the truth. This gave them more comfort. They could now lay down and sleep knowing the lies they told themselves at least gave them the sense that it would all be ok.
That is constant now. Some lies that are often accepted are that everyone passes over to the next life with others there to comfort them. They are not alone. The atmosphere warms with the presence of those that have gone before taking them to the other side to be with them in the next life. There is no reality or fact to this myth.
Another lie used as an excuse is that God is so loving that no one would ever really go to Hell. They ignore what the Scriptures say because they make us uncomfortable.
How about this one, everyone will be alright. All will be forgiven, and God will save everyone. No truth at all in this statement.
All paths lead to God. There are many ways to do what is right with God. You can believe what you want as long as you believe it with all your heart. Not true at all.
Lie after lie is what people tell themselves. They seek comfort that God offers but on their own terms. The real problem is they do not want to honor and serve God.
Are you hiding out in lies and falsehoods? Wake up and come to the truth.
Rev AG

To do list - DB

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. 6:33
Today, what is on your “To Do List?” If you’re like me, there is not enough time or energy to get it all done. At the end of the day, we choose the things most important to us and leave the rest undone.
Is spending time with the Lord on the top of your list? If it is not, there is a good chance the day will pass without spending time with Him. Seek the Lord first and everything else will fall into place.


Rev DB


What God Says He will DO - DN

What God Says He will DO

1 Ch 17:23 Therefore now, LORD, let the thing that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house be established for ever, and do as thou hast said.
The Promises of God are not to be treated as a bag of lucky charms. 
I've discovered a person can make Gods Word say what they want it to say, to fit whatever situation they may be in. 
I've done it a time or two, in fact more times than I want to admit.
The Promises of God are built upon four pillars.
1) His Holiness: nothing he does, is at the expense of his Holiness
2) His Justice
The first two are His justice and holiness, which will never allow Him to deceive us. 
3) His Grace 
This pillar will not allow Him to Forget
4) His Truth
This pillar will no not allow him to change.
What God does is never at the expense of these pillars of truth. Every promise of Scripture is a letter from God, which we may plead before Him with this reasonable request: 
Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope" (Ps 119:49).
1) Must be a Conscienceness of God's Promises:
How will a person know and claim these promises, without an awareness of His promises. Show me someone with a closed Bible and I'll show you someone that will never know what God says and can do.
2) Must be a Cause for His Promises:
It may be a crisis, a burden, a need.
Where there's a need there's a promise.
3) Must be a Claiming of God's Promises:
A cashing in of a check, if you please.
A being fully persuaded, The Bible said in relation to Abraham, that being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to performed.
4) Must be a Collecting of His Promises:
I've had people make me a promise, and once I've done what I was told to do, I discovered it wasn't quiet like they said it would be. I was unable to collect. 
Never, ever was it this way with God..What he has said, he will and has always done.
Rev DN

Friday, March 1, 2019

His word - DB

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2
Am I a person of my word? Am I faithful to do what I say I will do? Jesus told His disciples (and each of us who believe) that there is room for us in His Father’s house. Jesus promises to prepare a place for each of us. To reassure us, Jesus states that if it were not so, He would have told us.
He is a man of His word. To fulfill this promise He had to go to the cross and pay the penalty for our sin. As a Christian, our word should mean something. When we keep our word, we are acting in a manner that honors Christ.


Rev DB