Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Face to face and saved by grace

 Good morning all, Happy Wednesday,

The phrase "face to face" was brought to my attention today, this morning. Instant #1 on Dr. David Jeremiah Twitter post, He reminded everybody that "one day we'll see Him face-to-face"
I read that post and started getting ready for the day and the song, "we shall see Him face-to-face, and tell the story saved by grace"
So instant #2 God brought the song to my heart and mind. (PTL!!)
Then instant # 3 I'm reading The Epistle of John this week,
2 John 1:12
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.
Three times, GOD's number, so I know I need to share this with you all today.
For me, I am glad I will see Him face-to-face and truly I will tell story saved-by-grace!! (well praise the LOED anyway !!)
Don't know who it's for, perhaps for me, but I going to feast on the thought face-to-face and the story, SAVED BY GRACE!!
May GOD bless you all, Have a great Day!!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Doing the numbers with Jesus and his following


 Hello Blog readers and Brethren,

I am taking a Wednesday Night bible class on "Christian History made easy" and this thought came to me and I would like to share it.

Doing the numbers with Jesus and his following.

After Jesus’s baptism came Andrew and Peter. John 1:40

(Interesting that after his baptism he started his work / ministry).

1st disciples Andrew      The Inner 3 Matt. 17:1   The Twelve Matt. 10:2

                         Peter          Peter                                        Peter

                                           James                                        James

                                            John                                          John







                                                                                               James son of Alpheus

                                                                                                Simon the Zealot


The Seventy (perhaps 72 in some writings) Luke 10:1  

The 500 1 cor. 15:6

And my friend, are you going about the business / call of the LORD ??  Have you been saved, born again and baptize ??  If not, call on Jesus today, start your relationship and live a life with Him.

Have a great day friend, a great day, and call on him.
