Thursday, April 8, 2021

Apostasy revealed - JA

 Religious leaders, Politicians, Companies (who say they love Atlanta) encouraged The MLB to move the All Star game- Well they did - who does it hurt - the people they represent- Colorado requires voter ID too - SAD BETRAYAL

Even the media now reports that church membership is at an all time low in The US - Those who know their Bible are not shocked - God said in the last days - just before Jesus comes - there will be a great falling away - APOSTASY !

Part 2 - Apostasy was on full display last Sunday when Mr. Warnock, Ga Dem Senator said “ whether you are a Christian or not, through a comment to helping others , we are able to save ourselves” - NEVER will we be able to save ourselves- NEVER !

Part 3 - The pastors and churches in Georgia that voted for this man - ought to be embarrassed beyond measure- ROMANS 10:10 - salvation only come to those who believe that God raised Jesus from the dead - TRUTH

Rev JA