Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bringing Others to Jesus

 Bringing Others to Jesus

John 1:35-42

Andrew is the disciple known for bringing people to Jesus. Immediately after meeting the Lord, he introduced his brother Simon to the Messiah. Another time, when a great multitude was hungry, he found a boy with five loaves and two fishes and brought him to Jesus (John 6:8-9). When some Greeks wanted to meet Christ, Andrew and Philip made the introductions (12:20-22). This disciple never lost his enthusiasm for the Savior.

Andrew's own conversion experience motivated him to let others know about the One who'd changed his life (1:36-37). How about you--have you lost the joy of your salvation? If your Christian life has become stale and musty, it's time to remember what Christ has done for you and to ask that He restore your excitement.

In addition, Andrew longed to know the Savior and spend time with Him (vv. 38-39). The disciple's example is a good reminder that sweet fellowship with the Lord isn't supposed to end with devotional times. It should also stimulate a desire to share with others the joy we find in our relationship with Christ.

Finally, Andrew was motivated by his conviction that Jesus was the Messiah (v. 41). He'd found the answer for a lost and hurting world and wanted others to know.

When Andrew answered the call to discipleship, Jesus told him he'd be "catching men" instead of fish (Luke 5:10). Since we, too, are followers of Christ, we have this same assignment. Our styles and opportunities vary, but we're each responsible to develop a lifelong habit of bringing others to Jesus.

copied & pasted

Dr. Charles F, Stanley

Monday, September 14, 2020

who is this coming up ?- DN

 The Lord spoke to my heart this morning and gave me a word and I thought there may be some one else that might need this.

Who is this coming up from the wilderness (desert) leaning on her beloved (lover) ? Song of Solomon 8:5
The Lord spoke to my heart this morning and gave me a word and I thought there may be some one else that might need this.
Who is this coming up from the wilderness (desert) leaning on her beloved (lover) ? Song of Solomon 8:5

My what a verse we have here before us. The question is asked, who is this coming up ? Could it be you, me or someone else. Truth is this, before we get out of this world and finished with this journey, there is going to be some dry and leaning times we will face.

I. A Place - Desert
It was defined as being a desert.
Webster: 1. Literally, forsaken; hence, uninhabited; as a desert isle. Hence, wild; untilled; waste; uncultivated; as a desert land or country. Deserts are:
II. A Placement: leaning
To Lean denotes: To bend or incline so as to rest on something.
Are you a leaner? You better be!
( I do not know if leaner is a word or not,
it should be. My wife tells me all the time, quit making up words. Lol )
John was a leaner and heard the heart of God.
III. A Power:
In leaning times, I'm glad there is a power that's greater than our weakness. Truth is you do not know how weak you are until you start coming up out of the desert.
1. The leaner was not alone:
You ever feel you're alone? The Lord is right there with us.
2. The leaner was not without affection (thus her lover) arnt you glad we have a lover? One that will enter the desert wth us?
He loved loved her before the desert, in the desert and coming out of the desert.
IV.. A promise:
Our lover, whose name is Jesus will not leave you in the desert, he is going to bring you out.
Rev DN

U R Not alone

 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. Da. 3:25

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow before the king’s idol and were thrown into the fiery furnace.
To the King’s amazement, the three were unharmed and joined by a fourth person who looked like the Son of God.
Whatever challenge you face today, you do not have to face it alone. The Lord will be with you if you ask Him to.

Rev DB

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Blesser - DN

While studying the Songs of the Assent, in Pslams 129 Ths Song of the Afflicted
I found me a blessing today, that I couldn't wait to share.
Verse 2 states, Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth..yet they have not prevailed against me.
In verse 2 we have the blessing, they have not prevailed or they could not endure, hold out, finish what they started.
With heart failure I can start things but finishing is another story. The afflictors may be many, but we have a Blesser!!
In verse 4 the Lord is Righteous..he is the one who blesses the Afflicted.
The blessing is only as good as the Blesser is. REV DN

Jesus came to save - DB

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 1 Tim. 1:15
Paul remembered who he was and what he had done before meeting Christ.  From personal experience he knew Jesus loved sinners.
Like Paul, I know from personal experience Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Jesus loves you and wants to wash away all of your sin. Rev DB