Sunday, January 12, 2020

Our LORD's 20/20 vision - JA

Our Lord in John 6:5 had 20/20 vision. 
He saw a great company in need and used a little Boy in a Big way. 
He wants us to see from this text- 
1) The Multitude is Large
2) When the Means are Little 
MAY GOD GIVE US 20/20 vision

Rev JA

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


We are told in Scripture to put on the Lord Jesus Christ so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Failing to do this leaves the naked flesh exposed and all the shame that it can bring to light (Rom 13:14).


What we teach our children - KK

All three of my sons down through the years have hit home runs, scored touchdowns, and shot the buzzer beater. At almost all those events, I was standing nearby cheering them on. You could and still can see me on the sidelines cheering, yelling, clapping, and encouraging them as they give it all they have. I enjoy doing it because they are my children. Equally, they need me to do it, I’m their father. I believe years down the road they’ll remember that I was present in those moments as a voice of encouragement.
If this is true in sports, cheerleading, academics, and the such, it is certainly true in their walk with God. Our children need their parents to encourage them in spiritual endeavors. They need us admonishing them to pray. They need us consistently bringing them to worship. They need us to hold them accountable to read their bibles, treat others kindly, and serve the body of Christ.
As a father of children who are almost adults allow me to give this counsel: Be the primary voice of truth in your child’s life. And use that voice to encourage their walk with God. One day the trophies will be in an attic, but what we teach them to do for Christ lives through eternity.
Rev. KK

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Readiness To Obey - TG

Musing Through Matthew A Readiness To Obey

 Let us muse again today from Matthew 15: 35 and the theme of Jesus the king. It is in our study today we find a readiness to obey. When we have experienced the great display of God's grace, we find it very easy to follow His commands. It was so here they were commanded to sit down and there was a readiness to obey. Let us always maintained that readiness to obey rather we understand the command or not.

Rev. TG