Saturday, January 27, 2018

We have a friend in Jesus.

For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. Heb. 9:24

Once a year, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies and offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people.  This was repeated year after year because the blood of sheep and goats could not take away sin.  This offering was symbolic of what Christ would do in reality.

Jesus died once and the blood He shed is a perfect and complete sacrifice for our sins.  After His death, Jesus arose and ascended to Heaven itself.  He entered not into the holy place made with hands, but into the very presence of God.  He is there as our advocate and High Priest.

We have a friend in Jesus.


Cookies on the shelf

Just Thinking ~       Yep
Billy Sunday said, “When I preach I strive to put all my cookies on the bottom shelf so everybody can reach them.”
What a joy it was this morning listening to Dr. Craig Edwards preaching his topical/textual series “The New Covenant” while on my way to Morgan Co. High to watch my grandson,Bryson, wrestle in the AAA Area Traditionals, on his way to state again this year. How plain and simple Dr. Edwards makes it.  Even I can reach those cookies! .

 Sitting here in the gym between matches, and reading a sermon by Dr. Harold Sightler (“The Four Hallaluahs”) I’m amazed at the simplicity of his sermons!    I began thinking about some of the old hero’s of the faith, those that built mighty churches by just preaching the word of God, plainly and simple,and it occurs to me that they ministered in such a way that even the least educated among us could understand. They ministered so all could all reach the cookies on the shelf!

I found out, in my years of pastoring, that if I could:
1. Win the lost to Christ and
2. Teach them to LOVE the Lord; that everything else would work its way out! 

Becky and I had the privilege in the early 80’s to go to hear Dr. Jack Hyles preach at the First  Bapt. Curch Hammond, In. ....(In the 1980’s FBC had a membership of more than 100,000. (Mind blowing)   Dr. Hyles may have been the most elementary of them all preaching the great truths of the Word Of God- He was a great topical preacher.
I think of the great churches and preaching of many of the giants of the faith that I loved to listen to.   Many of which I’d get their cassette tapes in the mail. 
Some of those men that come to mind.:
Dr. Lee Roberson —
Dr. George Truitt —
Dr Lester Roloff —
Dr. Ralph Sexton. (Sr and Jr)
Dr Bobby Robertson —
Bill Pennell—
Jack Hudson  -
Curtis Hutson.     And so many many more... Johnny Pope,  Adrian Rogers. Gosh, there were so many it would take all day to mention. 
Here is my observation:
The one thing I find that all these men had in common was: their preaching and teaching was simple. Most of them
For the most part always preached Topicial sermons - occasionally Textual.  They, like Billy Sunday, seemed to “always put all their cookies on the bottom shelf.”

    And while mentioning these men I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those those men of God I’ve had the honor to sit under these years I’ve served the Lord .......
Dr. James Ransom.   
Bro Hoyt Skelton 
Bro Willard Thomas
Dr. James Hatcher   
Bro Teague Groce
Bro  Ben and Snider Turner ,
Scott Culpepper 
Bro.  James Phillips
Cecil Wheeler. 
And of course my pastor:
 Dr. Johnny Knight
All these men of God could delve into His Word and ‘wax eloquent’ with the best of them.  But thank God for the cookies they placed on the bottom shelf!


Sunday, January 21, 2018

the joy of Christ

These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might be in you, and that your joy might be full.  John 15:11

The second fruit of the Spirit mentioned by Paul is joy.  Joy is more than a sense of happiness or pleasure.  Happiness can be fleeting as circumstances change.  The Bible says there is pleasure even in sin for a season. 

Lasting joy comes only as we enter into a right relationship with God.  As we abide in Christ and He in us we find real joy.  The same joy we felt when Christ first saved us from our sins can be ours today.

 It is the work of the Spirit within us that produces the joy of Christ in our hearts.
Rev DB

faithful to God

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering (for he is faithful that promised). Heb. 10:34

How can we remain faithful in life’s worst moments?  Paul says it is the Spirit of God working in our lives that produces the fruit of faithfulness.  We can hold fast our profession of faith because the Spirit within us bears witness to His presence and God’s faithfulness towards us.

He that saved us is able to keep us until the day of redemption. Peter tells us to “let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” 

We can remain faithful to God because He is faithful to us.
Rev DB

But Daniel purposed in his heart

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, now with the wine which he drank. Dan. 1:8

Much of Daniel’s life was beyond his control.  He had been forced from his home and carried against his will to a foreign land.  But when it came to what he allowed into his body, he purposed in his heart not to defile himself.

Some things in life are beyond our control.  But for the most part, we control what we take into our bodies.  Temperance is the exercise of self-control.  Paul says it is a fruit of the Spirit. 

God blessed Daniel because he purposed in his heart not to defile himself and God will bless us if we do the same.