Monday, July 24, 2017

think much of Christ

I would like to encourage the church today to think much of Christ and think of Christ much! Through the ebb and flow of routine, in the hustle and bustle of highways, in the requirements of your responsibilities, think much of Christ and think of Christ much! In the midst of your affliction, in the heat of your temptation, in the conquest of your victories, think much of Christ and think of Christ much! Though your body be afflicted, though your spirit be weak, though your mind be troubled, think much of Christ and think of Christ much. In your joy, in your abundance, in your multiplied blessings, think much of Christ and think of Christ much.

Think of His advent, His miracles, His words, His compassion, His provision, His love. Meditate upon His vicarious death, His atoning sacrifice, His substitionary work on the cross. Consider His dying words, His priestly prayer, His bleeding side. Allow your mind to visit the grave where the stone was rolled away. Ponder His glory, His power, His might over death and sin. Think of His resurrection, His ascension, His glorious throne and His incomparable holiness.  Imagine if He came today, think of that rapturous moment, consider being with Him forever. Think much of Christ and think of Christ much!

Think of His heaven, His angels, His city, His crown, His name, His majesty.  Imagine seeing Him in all of His glory, in His everlasting dominion, with His vesture dipped in blood.  Think of what it will be like to sit at His table during the marriage supper of the Lamb. Think of the communion, the fellowship, the divine meal spread before God's people. Think much of Christ and think of Christ much!

Think of that hour when you met Him, you trusted Him, and you called on Him for forgiveness.  Remember the cleansing water that took away the stains, the matchless price that eradicated the debt, and the victorious deliverance that released you from the bondage of sin. Go back to that place, that hour, that moment when you met the Savior of your soul. Yes! and thousand times, think of Christ and think of Christ much!

To think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous, and praise-worthy (Philippians 4:8), can only be accomplished when we consider the One Who bore the cross, took the shame, and now lives as our reigning King.

Therefore, beloved, fill your mind with His light, His life, His love. In this day, think much of Christ and think of Christ much!
Rev. KK

Saturday, July 1, 2017

But Thomas

But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. John 20:24

It was the evening of the day Christ arose.  Jesus’ disciples were all gathered together.  Everyone but Thomas.  Suddenly, Jesus came into their presence.  In an instant, their fears turn to joy, their defeat into victory.  The blessing of being in His presence changed everything.

We do not know where Thomas was.  We only know he had not gathered with the other disciples.  By being absent, Thomas missed the blessing of being with Jesus.  Whenever believers meet together we have the promise of His presence. Tomorrow is Sunday.  Will you be gathered will your fellow believers?

 If not, you may miss the blessing of being in His presence.

Rev DB

Our needed foundation

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 3:11

The construction of a home begins with the foundation.  A poor foundation spells trouble for anything built on it.  The integrity of the home is no better than the strength of its foundation.  Similarly, we build our lives on foundational principles - how we see the world and our place in it.

If we see the world as a random place without meaning or purpose, then we will construct our lives differently than if we see the world as a place created for the benefit of man and the glory of God.

To build our life upon Jesus Christ, is to build a life on the foundation that God loves us and cares about us.
Rev DB

  1. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
    What more can He say than to you He hath said— To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

Waiting on God

Waiting on God

Psalms 37:1-9

Waiting on God is an important spiritual discipline in our walk of faith. King David’s life teaches us about the value of following the Lord’s plan and the danger in moving ahead of Him.

When David was a young shepherd boy, the prophet Samuel anointed him as Israel’s next king. Yet he did not become the ruler for many years. Waiting for the Lord to place him on the throne was made more difficult because the current king, Saul, turned against David and repeatedly tried to take his life. Despite the opportunity to take matters into his own hands and kill his enemy, David held back. He wouldn’t allow anyone else to attack Saul either (1 Sam. 24:1-7). He waited on God and was greatly blessed for his obedience.

King David also knew what it was like to move ahead without the Lord. One year he chose not to join his troops in battle, even though that was one of his duties (2 Sam. 11:1). During the time he stayed home, he noticed Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, and he coveted her. Acting upon his desires, he conceived a child with her and then tried to cover up his sin. What a mess he made of his life. Instead of following the Lord’s plan and being blessed, he experienced divine chastisement and much heartache.

As believers, we want to obey the Lord, but there may be situations when intense desire propels us forward without waiting for His direction. Like David, we will experience the blessing of obedience or the heartache of disobedience.

 Be sure to seek out God’s plan before you act.
Rev. CS