Think of His advent, His miracles, His words, His compassion, His provision, His love. Meditate upon His vicarious death, His atoning sacrifice, His substitionary work on the cross. Consider His dying words, His priestly prayer, His bleeding side. Allow your mind to visit the grave where the stone was rolled away. Ponder His glory, His power, His might over death and sin. Think of His resurrection, His ascension, His glorious throne and His incomparable holiness. Imagine if He came today, think of that rapturous moment, consider being with Him forever. Think much of Christ and think of Christ much!
Think of His heaven, His angels, His city, His crown, His name, His majesty. Imagine seeing Him in all of His glory, in His everlasting dominion, with His vesture dipped in blood. Think of what it will be like to sit at His table during the marriage supper of the Lamb. Think of the communion, the fellowship, the divine meal spread before God's people. Think much of Christ and think of Christ much!
Think of that hour when you met Him, you trusted Him, and you called on Him for forgiveness. Remember the cleansing water that took away the stains, the matchless price that eradicated the debt, and the victorious deliverance that released you from the bondage of sin. Go back to that place, that hour, that moment when you met the Savior of your soul. Yes! and thousand times, think of Christ and think of Christ much!
To think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous, and praise-worthy (Philippians 4:8), can only be accomplished when we consider the One Who bore the cross, took the shame, and now lives as our reigning King.
Therefore, beloved, fill your mind with His light, His life, His love. In this day, think much of Christ and think of Christ much!
Rev. KK